Basic Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know

Basic Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know

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The world of laptops is a diverse one, with many different features and functions. One thing that's always been consistent is the keyboard. While it may not seem like much at first glance, there are lots of shortcuts and tricks you can use with your laptop's keyboard to make your life easier. 

If you have any computer or laptop-related queries or issues please feel free to contact us. We will be lucky to assist you with all your queries and do the best that we can! For more details, please visit our website or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

Use Shortcuts in Windows

  • Use the Windows key to open the Start Menu.
  • Ctrl+C to copy text. This shortcut allows you to copy text from anywhere on your computer, including web pages and emails. You'll need to press CTRL while pressing C or right-clicking an area where there is the text that needs copying (for example, if you want to copy information from an email).
  • Ctrl+V paste what you've just copied into another application window or document by pressing this button combination again after pasting it into any other program window/document where it was needed before: if that's not clear enough yet!

Paste the Text into any Program without Formatting

You can paste the text into any program without formatting. To copy and paste text in Windows, click the start button (Windows logo), type "paste" in the search box, and press enter.

In Mac OS X, click on Apple menu > System Preferences > Keyboard (or press command+i). In this window, you will see the option "Paste" which you can use to paste the contents of your clipboard.

In Linux, you can use the xsel command or select View > List View from the menu bar at the top left corner of your screen to see contents copied from the clipboard onscreen or press Ctrl+V key combination when editing a file if it's not already open for pasting text content.

Get to know the Fn button on your Laptop

The Fn key is a modifier key that can be used to access special keys on your laptop. On some laptops, it's present in the top row of the keyboard; on others, it's located somewhere else.

The most common use for this button is to modify the function of other physical keys or buttons on your laptop—but there are many more tricks you can perform!

Creatively use the Home and End button

The Home and End buttons are your go-to keys for navigating within a document, web page, spreadsheet, or presentation. They're also used to jumping back to the beginning of whatever it is that you're working on.

Position your cursor at the beginning of what you want to navigate through (e.g., start typing) and press Shift+Home once; then continue moving forward in whatever direction you want by pressing Shift+End again until you get where you want to be. You'll know when this has worked when both arrows appear on the screen instead of just one arrow showing up like normal!

Zoom In, Zoom Out

If you've ever used a smartphone, you know that when you want to zoom in on an image or video, it's usually done by dragging the corner of your screen. This is great for seeing the whole page at once, but if you need to see smaller details and details within images, then this isn't going to cut it.

You can do some pretty cool things with keyboard shortcuts if certain documents need more detail than what's visible onscreen. For example: To zoom out from inside an application like Word or Excel so that only part of its document shows up (like just what's needed), press [ctrl + ] while holding down one finger on any key (not just z). Then move this same finger up or down until only what needs showing appears; release both fingers when done!

Quickly Maximize a Window

If you want to quickly maximize a window, press Alt+Spacebar. Then use the mouse to drag the window to the top of your screen by holding down Shift and clicking on any place on your desktop until it reaches full height in its current position. Once you find where you want it positioned, click again with Shift pressed so that only one finger is touching wherever it was originally touching before pressing Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar—and voila! Your new position will be displayed (in red) at all times as long as this shortcut has been pressed.

You can also do this for maximized windows in other places besides just above or below other open applications by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down instead; however, these keyboard shortcuts don't work every time due to some issues with Windows itself...

If there's something else important going on while using this shortcut method then make sure not only are both hands-free but also have enough room around them before trying again!


One of the most common ways to use tabs is to open multiple files and documents. You can use them to keep track of all your work or organize and find information easily.

For example, if you have a lot of webpages saved online, or documents that need to be opened up when needed (such as spreadsheets), then using tabs for these things will make it much easier for you!

Tabs are also great for organizing other things too: maybe an email inbox isn't enough space? Maybe there are too many items in your Google Docs? Tabs allow users access across multiple folders without having any confusion about where everything is stored at all times!

Switch Between Tabs in a Flash

You can use the arrow keys to switch between tabs.

  • Ctrl+Tab will move you one tab forward.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab will move you back to one tab, in reverse order.
  • If you have multiple tabs open, pressing Ctrl and a number on the keyboard lets you go through them in order of creation (1st tab is 1st tab; 2nd and 3rd are 2nd and 3rd). You can also do this by holding down Shift while pressing numbers 1 through 9 on your keyboard.

Highlight a Word using Keyboard

Highlighting a word using keyboard shortcuts is another common task. When you want to select a word, press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the left or right arrow key. This will highlight the word that is closest to your cursor, but if you want to highlight something else, just double-click it instead of using this shortcut.

Rename something using Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Renaming a file or folder using keyboard shortcuts:
  • In Windows Explorer, press the Alt key and then press R to rename the file or folder. You can also use a combination of Ctrl+R (Caps Lock) and Alt+R (Option). If you have an arrow key set in Windows 7/8/10, use that instead with Ctrl-Left Arrow or Control-Left Arrow for renaming files from left to right; otherwise, use Ctrl-Right Arrow or Control-Right Arrow for renaming files from right to left.
  • Renaming multiple files at once:
  • Hold down Shift while pressing any letter key on your keyboard; this will select all of them at once instead of only one at a time like normal selection does. Then just press Enter again when ready!

Rename Multiple Files at Once in Explorer

To rename multiple files at once, hold down Ctrl and click on your files. Right-click on each file you want to rename and choose Rename from the context menu. Type in the new name in the Rename dialog box that pops up; press Enter to save your changes.

Other Useful Shortcuts that You Should Know

The following are some other useful shortcuts that you should know.

  • Alt+Tab to switch between open programs: This is similar to the Windows key, except that it allows you to switch between multiple windows on your screen. For example, if there are two browsers open and one of them has tabs open in another browser window, pressing Alt+Tab will show all three windows at once.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Delete to delete a file: If you want something gone forever from your computer (like an old file), press Ctrl + Shift + Delete together and they'll be gone forever! You can also press Ctrl + Shift + Del instead if this isn't available on your keyboard layout or if there's already something else in its place—like say "Fn" plus "Del?" Whatever works for ya!

Don't Settle for Single-tasking

Multi-tasking is an idea that has been around for a long time, but it's important to remember that you can't do two things at once. We've all heard stories about people who have been distracted by their cell phones while driving or doing something important like working out or studying.

It's not just dangerous—it's also bad for your productivity! If you're trying to get work done on your laptop, then multi-tasking is not what you should be doing. Instead, find ways to make sure each task takes as little attention as possible so that none of them distracts from what needs to get done (and make sure there aren't any distractions).

As you can see, many shortcuts will come in handy when working on your laptop. These shortcuts will help you to get things done more quickly and efficiently than ever before. If you're curious about how many keyboard keys are attached to these features or need more clarification on any of them, check out our article on the best keyboard shortcuts for Windows.

If you have any computer or laptop-related queries or issues please feel free to contact us. We will be lucky to assist you with all your queries and do the best that we can! For more details, please visit our website or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

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