How to Transform a Regular Home into A Smart Home

How to Transform a Regular Home into A Smart Home

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Your house is a reflection of you. You might not know it yet, but if you want to create the perfect home, you can start by installing smart devices throughout. Smart homes are becoming more common and easier to implement thanks to new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and voice assistants. But sometimes these gadgets can be expensive or tricky to install. That's why we've put together this guide on how to transform your regular house into a smart home—and it won't cost much!

If you need help with installing/setting up a home security system, please feel free to get in touch with us! QuickGenie can get the job done quickly and efficiently. Our highly-trained and professional technicians are here to help you with all our customers' tech needs. We also provide Exceptional Handyman & Tech Services delivered to Your Doorstep in San Jose, California. For more details, please click on this link: or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

Add Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is the technology that allows you to control your lights from anywhere. It's a great way to make your home more appealing and convenient, especially if you're someone who often forgets to turn off lights or has trouble finding them when they're needed. As with any new technology, there are some things that need to be considered before adding smart lighting to your home.

Will my current fixtures work? If so, then great! You can use those same fixtures for smart lighting instead of buying new ones (and saving money). But if'll need some new ones! Smart bulbs come in all shapes and sizes—from small LED bulbs that fit into a single socket outlet on their own power strip all the way up to large chandelier-style fixtures capable of lighting up entire rooms at once.* What kind of system do I want? Do I want an automated system where everything works automatically when we enter our home? Or do I prefer something manual like turning on individual lights individually via remote controls or sensors placed throughout the house?

Install a Smart Thermostat

If you want to save money on your energy bill, installing a smart thermostat is the way to go. Smart thermostats are controlled by an app or computer, so they can be programmed to turn on and off at certain times of day or night. They also offer other features like automatic temperature adjustments based on occupancy in the home.

It's important that you choose the right type of smart thermostat for your needs: some will allow you to control multiple heating/cooling units at once; others let you set individual zones within each zone (for example, one-bedroom gets warmer than another); still, others let you program any room in your house individually (like having it turn off after being idle for five minutes).

Add a Smart Assistant

You can add a smart assistant to your home, and it will do the work for you. Smart assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa can perform many tasks, including scheduling reminders, controlling devices in your home (like lights or thermostats), making phone calls on your behalf, and playing music from a Spotify playlist.

The best part about having an assistant in the house is that it doesn't take much effort for them to be useful every day—you just tell them what you want to be done and they handle it!

Get a Video Doorbell

A video doorbell is a great way to keep an eye on your front door. They're easy to install and monitor, so you can see who is coming and going from your home without having to get up from bed or leave the couch.

A video doorbell also makes it possible for you can use it as a security system by sending out alerts when someone enters or leaves your property, which means there's no need for an expensive security system that needs batteries replaced every month (or year).

If you're worried about deliveries being left outside your door—or if you just want an added layer of protection against intruders—a video camera will alert whoever may be at the other end of those steps when they appear at night while they're awake during daytime hours too! This way anyone who comes in contact with them knows exactly what happened before anything else happens.

Install Sensors for your Windows, Doors, and Garage

Adding sensors to your home is a great way to protect it from damage. Sensors are devices that measure things in the environment around them, and they can be used for both security and convenience. They can detect motion, temperature, humidity, or water leaks; they might even be able to detect fire or gas leaks!

Here's how you can Install some of these Devices:

  • Install sensors on windows so they know when someone presses on them before opening up their windows (and then close them again immediately after). This will keep intruders out while also alerting you if someone tries to break into your house by breaking a window pane first.
  • Install motion detectors in every room so as soon as anyone walks past them (or steps over one), an alarm goes off immediately followed by flashing lights timed with sound effects like "boom!" etcetera—this will make sure no one gets away without being caught red-handed!

Invest in a Smart Speaker or Display

A smart speaker or display is a great way to control your home automation system. You can use the voice assistant on your smart speaker to control devices in other rooms, like lights or music. You can also use the voice assistant on your smart display to play videos and listen to music from across the house with minimal effort. If you have trouble seeing or hearing well in one room, this may be an option for you.

Add Smart Locks to your Front Door



The first step in getting your home smart is to add smart locks to your front door(s). These kinds of locks can allow you to lock and unlock your doors automatically when someone arrives, leaves, or is away. You could also set up an alarm that alerts you when someone enters the house by calling a phone number or sending an SMS message.

If you want a more sophisticated system, consider adding a camera so that it can see who's around while they're at work or sleeping (and not just their face). Then create rules for how these cameras should behave based on who's there: If it's just one person coming home from work, then give them access; if it's two people coming back from a vacation together then only allow them into the house; etc., until finally granting full access once there aren't any other people around!

Protect Your Home with a Smart Security System



You can protect your home with a smart security system. Smart home security systems are installed by professionals or DIY, and monitored by professional security companies like Alarm Grid. They also offer remote control via smartphone apps, so you can monitor your home from anywhere in the world, even when you're not there!

Integrate your TV with your Home Automation System

Connecting a TV to an automation system allows you to use it as a smart home hub, which means that you can control everything in your house with voice commands and gestures. This includes turning on lights, closing curtains or shades, adjusting the temperature of rooms, and more! You’ll also be able to stream live video from cameras or security systems into the living room so that other people in the house can see what’s going on at all times without having too many cords running around the place (and taking up space).

With the Right Home Automation Gadgets and Devices, any House can Become a Smart Home

You can Make your Home Smart with a few Simple Steps:

  • Install smart home devices. Smart home gadgets and devices are easy to install, so you can get started right away! They're also affordable—and they'll save you money on utility bills by helping you switch lights off when they're not in use or turning down the heat before bedtime.
  • Get an energy monitor to help track how much power each device uses over time (and how much carbon emissions it causes). This will give you insight into how much money we waste in our daily lives, which could be used to pay down debt or invest in other projects that benefit us all more than just ourselves individually."

By following these tips, you can transform your house into a smart home. You’ll be able to control everything from lighting to thermostats with just a few simple gadgets and devices. And with all of these new features, you’ll have more time for yourself and your family!

If you need help with installing/setting up a home security system, please feel free to get in touch with us! QuickGenie can get the job done quickly and efficiently. Our highly-trained and professional technicians are here to help you with all our customers' tech needs. We also provide Exceptional Handyman & Tech Services delivered to Your Doorstep in San Jose, California. For more details, please click on this link: or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

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