Smart Home Devices Every Airbnb/Rental Hosts Needs

Smart Home Devices Every Airbnb/Rental Hosts Needs

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Airbnb and other home-sharing platforms have revolutionized how we travel. But did you know that there are also smart home devices that can make your rental space even more convenient? These five gadgets can make your Airbnb/Rental Home much more convenient, and they're all pretty affordable!

Besides planning to upgrade your house to a smart home, if you are wondering about 'What Makes Your Home Really Smart?', Click on this link to read another article about the best smart home devices. We are sure you'll be surprised to know how technology plays a huge role in home security nowadays. 

If you need help with installing/setting up your video doorbells or any smart home devices, please feel free to get in touch with us! We also provide Exceptional Handyman & Tech Services delivered to Your Doorstep in San Jose, California. For more details, please click on this link: or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

Smart lights are a must-have for every rental home

Smart lights are a must-have for every rental home. They can be controlled by voice or mobile app and programmed to turn on and off at certain times of day or night. If you're an Airbnb/Rental Host looking to save money on electricity bills, smart lights could be the answer!

The best thing about smart lighting is that it's easy to use - just say "Alexa" or "Hey Google" into your phone's microphone. When someone walks into your house after dark (or if no one's around), their device will automatically activate itself so that it can change colors in sync with whatever you have set up as a schedule for those lights (e.g., set them all off at once). Your guests won't even notice; they'll just see bright white everywhere when walking through their home!

A smart thermostat is crucial in a rental space

A smart thermostat is crucial in a rental space. It allows you to control the temperature of your home remotely, meaning you can set it up so that it turns on and off automatically when you leave. This can save money on energy bills due to its ability to turn down the heat or air conditioning when no one is home. The best part? Smart thermostats are easy-to-use--all they need is WiFi coverage!

If you want more control over how much energy each room consumes, consider pairing a Nest Learning Thermostat with an Ecobee3 Smart Thermostat (which works with Alexa). With this setup, users will be able to adjust temperatures remotely from their iPhones or Android phones using voice commands through IFTTT (If This Then That) recipes; this means guests won't have access unless they're invited into someone's house first because only those people know what these commands mean!

A smart lock can help keep your guests safe

When you're not around, the door will automatically lock behind them, preventing any unauthorized entry. If someone tries to enter after it's locked, they'll receive a notification that they need to enter with a code or key before being able to do so.

The second feature makes this product especially useful for renters who don't want their apartment shared with others. It sends notifications when someone enters and leaves so you know how many people are staying there (or at least how many were there at some point).

Smart alarms are a must for safety and security

If you're hosting guests, it's your responsibility to ensure their safety and security. Smart alarms are a great way for you to do this. They can be used to detect fire, smoke, flooding and other emergencies; alert you or emergency services when something happens; track movement inside the home; and more!

Smart cameras are an easy way to add value to your property

Smart cameras are an easy way to add value to your property. They're also a great way to keep an eye on the house when you're away, or even when you're there but don't feel like watching the television or computer monitor.

Smart cameras can be used in a variety of ways:

  • The most basic type of smart camera is motion-sensing, which allows it to detect movement in its field of view (like a person walking through) and record video footage as soon as they enter it. These types of devices tend not only be cheaper than other models but also less powerful--so if you want something more advanced than this basic model, then look elsewhere!
  • Some smart cameras allow owners access via app so they can view what's happening at any given moment in real time after installing them into their home network (this requires internet connectivity). This provides peace-of-mind knowing that someone could be watching over things remotely from anywhere else around town with ease - including nearby hotels where people might stay during vacation season; plus it ensures minimal risk since everything stays secure behind closed doors without anyone having access except those who've agreed beforehand via written contract terms signed by both parties involved.

An internet of things (IoT) device can bring you more business

  • An internet of things (IoT) device can help you earn more money.
  • IoT devices can help you get more bookings.
  • IoT devices can help you attract more guests and referrals.

These five devices can make your Airbnb/Rental Home much more convenient, and they're all pretty affordable!

Smart lights are a must-have. They're not only convenient, but they also help you save money and energy by automatically turning them off when the room is empty.

Smart thermostats are crucial to keeping your Airbnb/Rental Home comfortable at all times of day and night. With this device, you can set the temperature according to your needs and preferences so that guests don't have to worry about being uncomfortable or getting sick while staying in your home!

If you want guests who stay with you on Airbnb/Rental Homes feel safe while they're there--and also want to keep an eye on their property remotely (or even during their stay) -- then smart locks are what will do just that! This device allows users control over who enters through which door; it's perfect for families looking for additional security around their homes as well as those wanting peace of mind knowing exactly where everyone's whereabouts currently lie at any given time.

It's important to note that these are just five of the many smart devices out there. There are many more options available in today's market, including security cameras, audio systems, lighting systems, and more. We hope this will give you some ideas for your next investment!

Besides planning to upgrade your house to a smart home, if you are wondering about '
What Makes Your Home Really Smart?', Click on this link to read another article about the best smart home devices. We are sure you'll be surprised to know how technology plays a huge role in home security nowadays.

If you need help with 
installing/setting up your video doorbells or any smart home devices, please feel free to get in touch with us! We also provide Exceptional Handyman & Tech Services delivered to Your Doorstep in San Jose, California. For more details, please click on this link: or call us at +1-408 839 9298.

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